
The revolutionary EcoBurner is a chafo that offers a safer, cleaner and greener alternative to gel and wick chafing fuel pots. The green technology of EcoBurner helps hotels meet their sustainability goals and keeps staff & guests safe from chafing fuel accidents.

Simply dispose of your gel and wick pots for the last time and replace with a refillable EcoBurner that reduces carbon emissions by 75%.

Patented safety devices ensure EcoBurner always stays cool to touch. It automatically shuts off if overturned or overheats and no more dangerous fuel spills.

EcoBurner has no toxic fumes, doesn’t leave black smoky residue on your chafing dishes and no fuel spills.

75% less carbon emissions as certified by Carbon Footprint Ltd. No more build-up of used gel/ wick pots going to landfill, EcoBurner fuel cans are recyclable and the EcoBurner is refillable so every drop of fuel can be used – Zero fuel waste